Update Log


I added a new page, paflForms.html, to outsource some help maintaining this site. On this new page, you can submit bug reports, help locate image sources, and volunteer to help further with the site in other ways. Volunteers may choose to write character bios, help update the image archive, etc. I will credit all volunteers who wish to be credited on the 'about me' page.

Any help maintaining this site is much appreciated, as I am a full-time student without much free time or money. Thank you <3


finally started coding in vsc instead of the neocities editor.. used the gem cil to push the site live with suprisingly few issues :o

complete rework of paflshrine's gallery backend: moved inline css & js into external files, added arrays for image sources/credits, cleaned up unimaginable amounts of horrible spaghetti code.

added most of the image sources for yura's gallery. huge thanks to [placeholder] for helping me locate the sources!


i never really documented paflshrine's development... sorry!